Starbucks Via Iced Coffee
Starbucks Via instant coffee makes a nice iced coffee, too, if you need something fast. But even at Costco prices, it’s expensive.
This was — before I drank most of it in a different glass — two packets of the Colombia “medium” roast, dissolved in 16 oz. of cold water. (Plus ice, milk, sweetener, etc.)
You can buy 12-packs of the Colombia or Italian Roast from Amazon for $9.95.
Update: And now Starbucks sells new Via Iced Coffee packets. They’re lightly sweetened with sugar (not corn syrup) and are designed to make 16 oz. at a time, using cold water. A 5-pack goes for $4.95 at Amazon. I haven’t tried these yet, but I’m assuming they’re decent.

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