The Best of SplatF
From mid-2011 through early 2014, SplatF was my tech news and analysis site. I started the site as an experiment in self-publishing, and it quickly became a full-time effort. I gradually published less, focusing on other projects.
Reading back through the archives, I’m pleased by how many of the stories hold up. Some I’ll still be linking to:
- Peak Mac?
- How Infographics are Ruining the Web
- How Sony Lost its Way
- AOL vs. Netflix: The Entire Internet in One Chart
- The Apple Earnings Charts Dashboard
- Long-term chart posts for RIM, Sony, and Netflix
- It’s a Great Time for Magazines
- Understanding Twitter
- 10 New Industries Apple Could Go Into but Probably Won’t
- Overanalyzing Apple’s Product Cycles
- The Airplane Industry Needs its iPhone
- The “Creators” series interviews with Chank Diesel, Richard Turley, Zach Zamboni, Adam Lisagor, Susan Kare, and others.
Over the three years it existed, SplatF received almost 4 million pageviews from 2 million people. Not bad, but not great. The best months, of course, were the ones when I spent the most time on it. But a few big links here and there played a big role, too.
The 10 most popular posts of all time are:
- How Does Facebook Make Money?
- AOL vs. Netflix: The Entire Internet in One Chart
- Microsoft’s Mobile Comeback Isn’t Happening
- Why Does Apple Announce iPhone Pricing and Availability but Other Phone Makers Don’t?
- Who’s Going to Buy the Facebook Phone?
- 10 Things to Remember about Netflix While Scratching Your Head about Qwikster
- 10 Steps to Better Blogging
- 300 Days with the iPad Mini
- Imagine this Chart as an Actual Hot-Air Balloon
- If You’re Disappointed by the iPhone 4S, You’re Nuts

Check out my new site: The New Consumer, a publication about how and why people spend their time and money.